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What Is Object-Oriented Programming?

Object-oriented programming, also tagged OOP, is an essential concept in the programming world today. Moreover, it is a popular computer paradigm for coding and software development.  

As tech and computer applications continue to advance, there is a need for developers who have a deep understanding of OOP and its practical applications. Thus, it is crucial to have an in-depth knowledge of what object-oriented programming entails as a programmer. Hence, this article explains the concept of object-oriented programming extensively, how it works, and how you can apply it in creating technological solutions.

Object-oriented Programming: What Is It??

What is Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is based on the concept of “objects,” which contains data in the form of fields, called attributes, and code in the form of procedures named methods. In other words, OOP is a programming model which involves building programs on data or objects rather than function or logic.

OOP is essential when working with software programs and classes. In software development, a class is a blueprint for creating instances of objects. It comprises reusable code snippets that define the attributes of an object without specifying values. Additionally, classes contain methods, which are functions that that specific class can only use.

To clarify, a class defines the functions and operations of an object type without specifying data values. These functions are contained within the class and provide actions beneficial to that particular object type.

How Does Object-oriented Programming Work?

Four fundamental parts of OOP lay the groundwork for its functionality. The four aspects of OOP which determine how it functions are Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism.

To understand how object-oriented programming works, you must learn basic programming concepts and their attributes to maximize OOP use fully.

  • Abstraction: This class gives out only relevant information while hiding its background details. A good example would be an AI that collects data from the internet. For example, Siri(Apple’s assistant) replies to every command and gives the best response from what it assimilates, but the process by which it gets to the solution remains obscured.
  • Encapsulation involves combining or binding data and functions such as variables, properties, and methods into a single unit. It restricts access to information about specific properties or components in the class. An example of encapsulation in coding is containers, which allow developers to control access to an object’s variables and functions. Encapsulation is necessary because it prevents other developers from coding APIs or scripts that use your code.
  • Inheritance: This coding process involves creating a new (secondary) class from an existing (primary) one. Doing so enables the second class to inherit the properties and methods of the primary class while maintaining its personal properties and methods.

Here’s an example of how it might work: Take a primary class of vehicles that comprises cars and motorcycles. Creating a secondary class containing trains and bicycles allows them to acquire the attributes of the primary class.

  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability of an object, function, or variable to exist in different forms. It’s essential in object-oriented programming as it enables a programming language to use one interface for various data types and objects. Thus, the data types and objects can respond similarly to specific instructions.

What Can You Use Object-oriented Programming For?

Knowing what OOP is about when you learn how to start coding is great, but it isn’t enough to become a better programmer. Applying it to building functional applications is far more critical. Let’s explore a few of these applications.

  • Desktop applications: You can build several desktop software programs using OOP. Some popular ones include 3D modeling tools, vector graphics editors, word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation tools. Moreover, you can use it to upgrade or combine desktop applications via inheritance techniques, resulting in more efficient and effective software.
  • Web applications: You can apply OOP principles to various aspects of web development, such as front-end design, back-end development, and database management. Conversely, you can combine OOP with other programming languages and frameworks to build more robust applications such as social media platforms and commerce sites.
  • Mobile applications: With OOP, you can create classes and objects representing various components of a mobile app, such as buttons, text fields, and screens. You can design these objects with specific attributes and behaviors, allowing modular and reusable code. Also, you can use it to update said mobile software programs and detect and fix bugs in system software.
  • Video games: Object-oriented programming plays a significant role in developing game apps that run on mobile or desktop devices. Furthermore, you can use it to design variations of video games both for mobile and desktop.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: In AI and machine learning development, object-oriented programming enables you to code and develop AI algorithms with various functions obtained from data analysis.

A perfect example of using OOP in AI is the latest AI simulation called GPT4 which can create a website from the basic code only.

  • Scientific and engineering applications: OOP is often used in scientific research to gather, analyze, process, interpret, and convert data into useful information that provides insight into a phenomenon. It also has engineering applications that allow you to simulate physical processes.
  • Financial applications: OOP can be applied in financial institutions like banks, insurance companies, the stock market, and even the forex market for trading, as it aids in risk assessment, management, and predicting the movement of the market charts. Also, object-oriented programming aids in creating autonomous accounting software and tools that ease the process of conducting accounting computations.

What is Object-oriented Programming: Final Thought

Object-oriented programming applications have proven invaluable in technological development, transcending various fields. Today, object-oriented programming is responsible for numerous robust applications housing several exciting features and utilized across multiple industries. 

Therefore, if you are considering a career involving computer programming or are already in the field, you must be familiar with object-oriented programming. A good understanding of objects, classes, attributes, functions, and methods helps you grasp the depth and usefulness of OOP, as treated in this article.

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