About Us

Tech Up Your Life was founded in 2019 with the goal of helping demystify the often confusing tech landscape and is dedicated to delivering the best tech reviews, buying guides, tutorials, and more. From smart home and home theater to gaming and gadgets, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to give your life a tech up.

Founder/Editor-in-Chief – Moe Long

Moe Long author bio - Founder/Editor-in-Chief Tech Up Your Life

Moe Long is the Founder/Editor-in-Chief at Tech Up Your Life. He’s been writing and editing online since 2012 with bylines at MakeUseOf, SmartHomeBeginner, TechBeacon, DZone, DEV, Bubbleblabber, DVD Netflix, and Electromaker. You can read Moe’s thoughts on film at Cup of Moe, and hear him podcasting on the Celluloid Fiends Podcast. In addition to writing and editing, Moe is the creator of the online course The Beginner’s Guide to SEO Blogging from Scratch. When he’s not hammering away at the keyboard, Moe enjoys spending time with his adorable dog Sebastian, watching film, gaming, running, and reading. Moe is particularly passionate about Linux, projectors, retro gaming emulation, and smart home tech.

Follow Moe on Twitter and Instagram, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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