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How to Start Coding: The Ultimate Guide

Coding is the building block of the most significant technological and digital advancements in the last 50 years. It is the tool through which we give computers and machines commands to execute, which they then use to create many valuable tech applications.

Therefore, if you want to create applicable computer programs or start a career in tech, you must learn what coding is and how to code. Hence, in this guide, you will discover what coding entails and how to start coding now.

What Is Coding?

How to Start Coding: The Ultimate Guide Hero

Coding means assigning functions to a set of letters and symbols (codes) a computer can understand and execute. Since computers only work with machine language, programming experts created codes that humans can easily use and are translated into machine codes by an interpreter for the computer to understand and execute. Thus, programming languages began to develop. Therefore, coding involves writing instructions for a computer using programming languages.

However, people confuse programming with coding and use them interchangeably. Although related, coding and programming mean different things. Coding is the specific activity of writing the codes that make up a computer program. Conversely, programming involves writing the instructions and processes that enable computer programs to run as programmed. So, coding is a fundamental part of the programming process.

Why Learn Coding?

Coding lays the foundation for building computer programs. And these programs are used to develop technological solutions that make our lives easier. Without coding, there would be no computer programs, web, or software applications.

Accordingly, to get high-paying tech jobs like software development, you must learn how to code and master the skill. Besides, coding plays a crucial role in tech advancements in all industries. And seeing how rapidly technology is spreading in every field, learning how to code is a way to remain relevant in the global market, even if you are not in the tech sector.

How to Start Coding

Learning to code may seem daunting from the outside, but when you put your mind to it, you will find it easier than it looks, and it can be a fun, rewarding activity. We have broken down the steps to make your coding journey easier. Here they are:

1. Pick a Programming Language

Programming languages are used to write codes. Hence, you need to learn a programming language to code. According to the Online Historical Encyclopedia of Programming Languages, over 8,000 programming languages exist. Hence, you can find one that best suits your needs and works well for you. We recommend picking from the best programming languages to learn today, like Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, HTML, and C.

These coding languages allow you to write codes that instruct computers on how a program should function. If you are learning coding to go into web or software development, consider mastering C#, C++, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

Conversely, if you are looking for excellent data science and analysis coding languages, Matlab, Python, and SQL are fantastic options. And if you are looking to go into machine learning and AI development, Python, C++, and Java are great choices.

2. Take Courses and Attend Bootcamps

Nowadays, bootcamps and online courses are the preferred ways to obtain coding skills and get job-ready quickly. Hence, to learn to code, you don’t necessarily need to be within the four walls of a school; with your computer or smartphone, you can easily access lectures on coding and learn from the comfort of your home at your own pace.

Thanks to the Internet, there are several educational platforms where you can find many helpful resources in video and text format that will help you to learn how to code from scratch. For instance, if you are learning to code for web development, you can find the best places to learn web development online with only a Google search.

While you can find some free coding classes online, the more comprehensive courses require a specific fee for the program and are usually accompanied by a certificate. Here are some top online courses to learn how to code:

3. Use Coding Tools to Learn Faster

There are various coding tools that you can use to code better and faster. However, a code editor is the most important tool you need to code quickly. 

Code editors are software used to write code. They are essential because they help you follow the programming language’s syntax, trace errors in your code, automatically complete code, and provide helpful suggestions as you code. Furthermore, code editors can be used alone or as part of an IDE (Integrated Development Environment.) Some of the best code editors include Visual Studio Code (VSC), UltraEdit, Atom, Notepad++, Vim, and Brackets. (Note: Some code editors are free, while others may include a paid subscription.)

It is important to note that text editors are different from code editors. Text editors are the in-built application software that allows you to write or edit plain text files and convert them into web documents. Moreover, all computers have an in-built text editor, like Notepad, for Windows systems. On the other hand, code editors are text editors with improved functionality that helps you to create and edit code.

4. Work on Coding Projects and Build a Portfolio

As you learn how to code, working on real-world coding projects will improve your skills considerably faster. This is because the experience of applying theoretical concepts to real issues sharpens your understanding of how it all fits together.

You can use various ideas to develop your coding skills as a beginner. For example, you can use basic coding knowledge to build a simple arithmetic calculator or create a customized to-do list. Then as you progress, you can execute more significant projects like designing a complete website or developing an app.

However, you may find it challenging to work on personal projects. That’s where participating in a training or bootcamp can be beneficial. One benefit of enrolling in a bootcamp is that it involves project work and guides you on executing them. Therefore, as you learn the skill, actively participate in different project works.

5. Join Online Coding Forums and Communities

There are many benefits to joining a coding community. For one, you get free access to several helpful pieces of information on coding to add to your knowledge. Secondly, you can find and participate in community group projects and coding competitions. Also, it provides you with opportunities to network, meet mentors, and find potential clients.

GitHub, Reddit, and LinkedIn are excellent places to find an active and professional coding community to join. You can also find several fantastic coding communities on the Internet and social media platforms like Facebook. So join a coding community to serve as support in your coding journey.

6. Get a College Degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering

Getting a college degree in a computer science field can advance your career and improve your skills as a coder. Consequently, it would be best to have prior computer science and software engineering knowledge as you learn how to code.

In addition, getting a degree enables you to explore other career options and arms you with the required skills for employment. As a result, many employers look out for a college degree as a significant prerequisite when selecting candidates for a job. Finally, it enables you to quickly climb up the ladder in your career and get senior positions.

Thankfully, you can quickly and easily find a reputable computer science degree program to enroll in today, in-person and on the Internet. A quick Google search will return multiple options, so you choose one that fits your schedule and budget. Furthermore, many tertiary institutions offer online lectures, too, for your convenience.

7. Apply for Internships and Entry-Level Coding Jobs to Further Your Work Experience

Finally, you need to gain experience as a coder, and there is no better way to do so than landing a job where you work on real-life problems daily. As a newbie, you can start by applying for internship positions to gain hands-on experience as you learn the skill. Then as you build your expertise, you can easily apply for and get higher-paying jobs.

Before you apply for a job, you must have a solid portfolio. That is where your coding projects come in. Therefore, you must build your portfolio and resume as a coder by highlighting the various projects you have worked on and how you executed them. That way, you increase your chances of landing a job.

Final Thoughts

To start coding, you must learn a programming language—furthermore, several tools aid coding, which you must have. Thus, we have highlighted helpful resources to learn a programming language from the basics and the best coding tools you can use to start coding today. Therefore, following the steps in this article, you can start coding in no time.

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