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What Is ChatGPT, and What Can You Use It For?

This article discusses the new revolutionary AI tool that got 1 million users in 5 days! It also talks about its unique features, how to use it and what you can use it for. But first, what is ChatGPT

ChatGPT – short for Chat-Based Generative Pre-Trained Transformer- is an AI text tool developed by Open AI, a research company led by Sam Altman and backed by Microsoft, Khosla Ventures, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. The company released the software on November 30, 2022.

It is an AI chatbot system designed to carry on conversations with people. ChatGPT can understand human dialogue and generate detailed human-like text as if a human typed it.

The AI tool’s dialogue format allows you to engage in several text-based interactions, including asking follow-up questions. It can also correct grammatical errors, transform movie titles into emojis, and repair bugs in lines of code, including Python. However, it is important to note that while ChatGPT has impressive capabilities, including identifying and rejecting unacceptable requests, it is error-prone. 

According to David Irvine and Nick Freer, CEO of MaidSafe and founding director of Freer Consultancy, respectively, ChatGPT has the potential to change our lives in the future with its level of innovation in creating content for education and businesses.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT is based on the architectural model of GPT-3 and is a significant improvement over it. It uses the Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) technique, which utilizes human feedback to minimize harmful, untruthful, and biased outputs. 

The GPT-3 model was trained using text databases from the Internet, ingesting around 300 billion words, including 570 GB of data from books, Wikipedia, articles, and other writing pieces on the Internet. Interestingly, Elon Musk, in a tweet, claimed that ChatGPT also learned from its access to Twitter data, adding that he has paused its access “for now.”

Here’s how the training process worked: 

When asked a question in the first training stage, the model ran through various inputs in its system and produced an answer. If the answer were wrong, the team would input the correct answer into its system, teaching it correct answers and helping to build its knowledge.  

During the second training stage, researchers gave it a question, but this time, it offered multiple correct answers with a team member ranking them from best to worst, training the model on comparisons. 

Conversely, though, ChatGPT still has its limitations despite all the impressive things it can do. One of such limitations is its inability to answer questions phrased in a specific way, requiring rephrasing to understand the question. 

A more significant limitation is the lack of satisfactory responses it occasionally delivers – which can sometimes sound logical but make no rational sense. Additionally, the model does not ask for clarification on uncertain questions; it just guesses and provides the answer to your question, which can lead to unintended and repetitive responses.

This impediment led to its temporary suspension on Stack Overflow – a developer-led question-and-answer site. The site stated that the suspension is due to the nature of some of the answers the model provides. Unfortunately, while these answers may look correct and seem or sound plausible, they are incorrect.

Critics also argue that from a statistical viewpoint, ChatGPT is good at arranging words in a seemingly sensible order without knowing the meaning of the statements and whether they are accurate.

For more awesome AI, check out the best ChatGPT alternatives including Google Bard, Microsoft Bing AI, and

What Can You Use ChatGPT For?

ChatGPT is incredibly versatile, as it is a large-language model trained using gigabytes of data. Here’s a quick rundown of what it has been and can be used for.

  • Writing: You can use ChatGPT to write essays, blogs, scripts, and academic papers. It conducts keyword research easily and quickly, showing an index of keywords based on the latest search results. You can also use it to check errors and grammar spellings, generate creative SEO content, and build AI-powered customer support by paraphrasing, summarizing, translating, and answering queries. 
  • Programming: ChatGPT can help you debug code. The kicker: it fixes the error and explains where the user went wrong and how to fix it. As this tweet shows, some developers and programmers have used ChatGPT as their debugger since it saves time, identifies errors, and explains them adequately. 
  • Generate AI art: If you want to generate AI art using ChatGPT, you’ll have to describe what the art looks like. For instance, say you want a picture of a Viking sitting on a rock with a sword in his hand, with great lighting at a wide angle. Type that in the prompt, and it will give you the desired result. Of course, you can add more details depending on what you want, and ChatGPT will capture all the details, even the smallest ones.
  • Data manipulation: ChatGPT manipulates data by generating tables, adding indexes, and scraping. Furthermore, it can manipulate a large bulk of data, make numerous data wrangling and look up obsolete tasks.
  • Solve math problems: You can solve complex math problems using ChatGPT. However, you’ll need to structure the question in an easily understandable way to give you a correct, satisfactory solution.
  • Engage in AI conversation: You can converse with GPT-3, but first, you must sign up and provide all the necessary information. After this step, you can ask the AI tool a question, though it is recommended you ask in the form of a statement. For instance, inputting “How the solar system was made” will give more satisfactory answers than “How was the solar system made?”
  • Creating games: You can build text-based adventure games with ChatGPT. First, you must develop the game concept, design it and create a pitch with ChatGPT before making the game. It will suggest how you can improve the quality of the game and the characters in it too. 

Here’s an exciting example of how one user did just that. 

An 11-year-old boy recently created a Harry Potter adventure game using ChatGPT where the player makes a choice, and the chatbot creates scenarios. To start the game, the boy entered the prompt: 

“You are a text-based video game where you give me options (A, B, C, and D) as my choices. The setting is Harry Potter. I start with 100 health.” 

That’s all he did. 106 letters, 29 words. Sounds exciting, right? Using this template, you can create games with this excellent AI tool. 

  • As a virtual assistant: ChatGPT has been trained to be a virtual assistant due to its exposure to a large dataset of common user inquiries and responses. It also generates helpful and relevant answers to questions. Furthermore, it can set reminders, make appointments and recommendations, and manage calendars and task management apps after they have been integrated. 
  • Legal and business advice: Lawyers can provide clients with legal advice quickly and efficiently using ChatGPT. They can easily research legal information and case laws. Business owners can use ChatGPT to provide real-time insights into market trends and customer behavior, which can help their businesses to grow significantly. Of course, you must be very careful when creating and using the prompts from ChatGPT as it’s not 100% accurate, and you want to avoid causing even more trouble for your clients or business because of an AI tool.

Final Thoughts

What is ChatGPT Hero

So far, we’ve seen what ChatGPT can do now and what it may do in the future. We’ve also discussed how it can help us in our daily activities and how it performs them. 

Next, we’ve heard the views of some tech experts on its future performance. Its limitations are also apparent, so don’t rely on it for fact-based queries, as its responses to specific questions aren’t always 100% accurate, no matter how well-phrased or plausible they may seem. 

We are still waiting to see its full potential. While waiting, try using its fantastic features to solve problems and save time.

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