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4 Things You Can Use Python to Develop

Python is a multi-purpose programming language that you can use to develop different types of programs, applying these to create solutions for various needs. Accordingly, Python has many applications, showing the programming language’s relevance. So, what are the things you can do with Python? In this article, you will discover four invaluable Python applications and how to use them.

1. Video Game Development

Thanks to its simple syntax, Python is a fantastic tool to easily design interactive computer games, especially if you are new to programming and game development. Games such as Civilization-IV, Disney’s Toontown Online, Pac-Man, and more have been built using Python.

To build games using Python, you must understand how to use conditional statements, variables, object-oriented programming, loops, and functions. Therefore, making computer games is a fantastic way to improve your coding skills in Python.

Python has many libraries that support game development. One is PyGame, a library comprising a set of Python modules that provide all the necessary functionality for developing video games. 

With PyGame, you can create multimedia programs and games with advanced features. Moreover, PyGame is portable and supports a wide range of operating systems and platforms, including Linux, Solaris, BSD/OS, Windows, OpenBSD, and macOS.

You can also use PySoy, a 3D game engine supported by Python 3.0. On the other hand, Arcade is a Python library you can use to create realistic 2D video games. Accordingly, it is ideal for beginner programmers as they don’t have to learn complex game frameworks to start building games.

Furthermore, you can deploy Pyglet, another dynamic Python library, to create games and other visuals-intensive Linux, macOS, and Windows applications. Also, it enables OpenGL graphics, windowing, image loading, and video and audio playback.

However, Python is not the first point of call among the best programming languages to develop video games. Compared to top game development languages like C++ or C#, Python does not match the computational performance expected of modern-day video games because it focuses more on coding capacity.

A report says C# is faster than Python because of its common language infrastructure (CLI) framework. Moreover, C# language is closer to the compiler, hence its fast computation speed. Nevertheless, Python’s exceptional coding capacity makes it an excellent choice for designing a game prototype.

2. Web Development

Thanks to its many web development frameworks, like Pyramid, Flask, and Django, Python is a top choice for web development. These frameworks come with vast modules and libraries, allowing users to handle content management and database authorization and access.

You can use Python to make web applications at a rapid rate because of the frameworks it uses to create these applications. The language has several libraries to help integrate protocols like HTTPS, FTP, and SSL. Also, it enables JavaScript object notation (JSON), extensible markup language (XML), and email processing.

Python frameworks provide excellent security, scalability, and convenience compared to starting the development of a website from scratch. Hence, each framework has its unique function in web development. 

For instance, Django is a high-level framework encouraging rapid web application development with a smooth and pragmatic design. Django is widely used because it lets you focus on writing your applications without reinventing the wheel.

Another Python framework you should know is FastAPI— a fast and powerful web framework for building web APIs. It is built on modern Python-type hint features and enables asynchronous programming. 

Finally, Flask is a lightweight framework for creating WSGI web applications. Consequently, the framework is a fantastic option if you want to start and scale up to complex applications if needed quickly.

3. Data Analysis and Visualization

Today, we are creating more data than ever before; thus, there is a need for people and tools that can collect, analyze, interpret, and organize data to provide insights for research and development. Therefore, data analytics is another rapidly developing field that uses Python to create solutions to problems in various industries and organizations.

Python is a top pick for data science and analytics because as it is easy to understand, flexible, and can be used to create data models and visualizations. According to the TIOBE index, Python ranks number one among the most popular programming languages. 

Furthermore, when working with large amounts of data, Python aids in executing repetitive tasks and sorting data. Thus, it is quick and easy to use for analyzing data.

In addition, several Python libraries support data analysis. For example, libraries like Pandas and NumPy allow users to extract information. Also, you can visualize data using Matplotlib, Plotly, and Seaborn libraries, which help plot graphs and other forms of data visualization. 

Thus, you can always find a library to match your needs, whether you want to create a simple graphical representation or a more interactive plot.

4. Web Scraping

Web scraping is the automated process of extracting and parsing raw data from the World Wide Web using a tool known as a crawler. Python is an excellent programming language for developing programs that automatically pull large quantities of data from websites. This position is backed by research, as Open Data Science named Python the best Web scraping choice.

The language has excellent libraries and various tools for scraping Web data. For example, Beautiful Soup is one Python library that extracts data from XML and HTML files before placing them in parse trees. Additionally, it contains Pythonic idioms and the steps to explore, alter, and extricate data from parse trees.

requests is another simple and dynamic Python HTTP library with an inbuilt, compact well-suited for human deployment. Then, Scrapy is a high-speed, top-level web scraping framework commonly used for crawling and extracting structured data from websites and web pages.

Also, urllib.request is a conventional library module containing classes and functions to assist you in opening URLs. The module lets you work with redirections and digest, and basic authentication, among other things. Finally, web scraping with Python is invaluable, but you must check the target website’s use policy to confirm that scraping using automated tools does not violate its Terms of Use.

Final Thoughts

Things You can Use Python to Develop

Understanding Python’s significant and extensive applications are vital for you to master the programming language. Moreover, you can easily find a specialty that appeals to your skills and interests.

Furthermore, thanks to its simple syntax and vast libraries, you can quickly build great applications across several fields using Python, even as a beginner. All you need to do is research and work, and you will create many valuable programs in no time.

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