Post Tagged with: "How To"

Gaming, How Tos

How to Install Steam Link

How to Install Steam Link

When it comes to video games, PC gaming provides many benefits over console gaming. For starters, a gaming desktop or laptop can accomplish more tasks than just gaming, such as daily computer use, media playback, and even doubling as a home server. However, consoles have traditionally been more living room […]

by × December 1, 2020 × 3 comments

How Tos

How to Find Keywords for SEO

How to Find Keywords for SEO

When it comes to writing an online article, it’s not as simple as merely hammering away at the keyboard. Although technically you can simply write and click publish, if you want anyone to read what you’ve written you’ll need to use keywords so that search engines like Google, Bing, and […]

by × October 21, 2020 × 0 comments

How Tos

Complete Guide to LaunchBox - How to Install LaunchBox

Complete Guide to LaunchBox – How to Install LaunchBox

Retro gaming has achieved a golden age. Through retro console clones such as the NES Mini, SNES Mini, and Sega Genesis Mini, revisiting old school games is a breeze. Plus, the likes of retro gaming with RetroPie, Recalbox, Lakka, and Batocera on devices such as the Raspberry Pi, ASUS Tinker […]

by × November 23, 2019 × 3 comments

How Tos

How to Install Plex on Linux

How to Install Plex on Linux

Plex revolutionized my media consumption. Something of a do-it-yourself (DIY) Netflix, Plex offers a means of creating a media server for streaming movies, TV shows, music, and even viewing photos. There are plenty of ways to install Plex, from running Plex on Windows, MacOS, Docker, and FreeBSD. You can even […]

by × October 8, 2019 × 3 comments