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Best Android Productivity Apps

Do you know your smartphone could be a great tool to increase productivity instead of a distraction? Your smartphone can do more than texting, calling, or entertainment. It can single-handedly relieve you of activities that zap your energy and reduces your productivity.

Thanks to technology, you can be more productive and effective by using application software developed to take the burden of organizing and executing some of your daily activities off your shoulders by making it easier and faster to execute them. Let’s dive into the best productivity apps you should have on your Android device.


best android productivity apps - Todoist
Image credit: Google Play

Taking note of your plans for the day and sorting them according to importance is a great way to boost your productivity. However, this may feel like work if you do not have an automated system that syncs and updates your to-do list across all your devices and instantly reminds you what to do and when to do it. That is where Todoist comes in.

Todoist is a great task management tool that allows you to build a list of activities you want to complete or delegate to team members. It features a sharing option that instantly notifies team members of their assigned tasks. Amazingly, the app is free, and you can upgrade the app for additional features. Plus, you can customize the app to your taste.


best android productivity apps - Evernote
Image credit: Google Play

Writing notes can sometimes be stressful, and organizing them is work. Evernote makes it easy for you to take notes on the go; you never know when you will need to jot down a piece of information or idea. It also allows you to organize your notes into lists or notebooks conveniently.

In addition, you can add images, audio, and video to your note and sync them to all your computer devices. Evernote is available for free. However, there is a premium option with advanced features like increased file storage, two-factor authentication, saving emails to Evernote, and scanning documents.

Google Tasks

best android productivity apps - Google Tasks
Image credit: Google Play

Google Tasks is a straightforward task-setting app that allows you to create tasks and organize them into different sections or lists. Being a derivative of Google, the app is integrated with Gmail and Google Calendar, thus organizing your tasks according to time and notifying you when they are due. You can also use Google Assistant to describe the tasks and save you the stress of manually typing. Google Task is free to use and is available on Google Playstore for instant download.

IFTTT – automation and workflow 

best android productivity apps - IFTTT
Image credit: Google Play

IFTTT is a great automating tool that synchronizes with other productivity apps and instantly tells each app what to do when you perform a certain action on another app on your phone. IFTTT automatically performs the task. It is almost like the apps on your phone communicate with each other.

For instance, you can link IFTTT to your email and get it to create a to-do list from pinned emails automatically. IFTTT automation works well with other smart devices, like smart television, lights, and doors. And the best part is, it is free to use.

Google Calendar

best android productivity apps - Google Calendar
Image credit: Google Play

Google Calendar is a great way to save and get notified of appointments on time. In contrast with your regular calendar apps, Google Calendar helps you schedule individual or team events and instantly notifies others of the appointment you have with them.

You can create several schedules with color codes to distinguish each event. As a derivative of Google, it is easily synced with your Gmail and Google Tasks. And it is free to use.


Trello is a fantastic app for organization at work and home. The Kanban project management app lets you create different boards. You can then add cards and move them along as those tasks progress through different stages. For instance, you might create boards like “To do,” “In progress,” and “Completed.” Then, as you start and finish various projects, there’s a helpful visualization.

Since Trello offers robust collaboration features, it’s one of the best apps for freelancers and small businesses. In fact, we rely on Trello here for a team editorial calendar. Free to use and extremely customizable, Trello is one of the best Android productivity apps for friends, family, and co-workers alike.

Google Keep

Google Keep is an excellent, streamlined note-taking app for Android. It lets you create checklists like to-do lists or grocery lists. You’ll appreciate its simple layout, terrific collaboration features, and user-friendly design. Since Keep is a Google product, there’s great synchronization between the rest of the Google suite, like Google Calendar or Google Drive. What’s more, Google Keep is completely free, making it a top choice for productivity apps on Android.

Best Android Productivity Apps: FAQs

What are the best productivity apps for Android?

The best Android productivity apps are Todoist, Evernote, Google Calendar, IFTTT, Google Tasks, Google Keep, and Trello.

Does Google have a productivity app?

Yes, Google has several productivity apps, including Google Keep, Google Tasks, and Google Calendar.

Are productivity apps effective?

Yes, research suggests that productivity apps are effective when used properly, boosting productivity by greater than 34%.

Best Productivity Apps for Android – Final Thoughts

Now more than ever, you must keep your productivity levels high because of the increasing demand for productivity in the workspace and personal effectiveness.

Technology continues to make our lives easier by helping us perform daily activities that would otherwise take up much of our time and energy, thus saving us time and energy and enhancing productivity.

You can put technology to work for you by getting the apps mentioned in this article on your android device. With these apps, you can automate, delegate, note, and organize tasks with the click of a button and enjoy new productivity levels.

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